January 23, 2011


Despite coming to work only 2 times per week, I really find working a pleasurable experience. The thing about my job is, no 2 days of work can ever be the same. It's like every single day is filled with surprises. Be it a pleasant one or the otherwise.

Like for instance, when I went to work this week, I was attached to Pahlawan Beach's Coffee Bean outlet. For some weird reason, time crawls in there. There weren't many customers and even if there were, they hardly ordered Ice Blended drinks. But the good thing was the fact that I had a go at the Expresso machine which was kinda fascinating to me. I'm always amazed by it so to have a go at it, was kinda scary but yet pretty exciting. 

So anyhoo, on my second day there, I was greeted by a really lovely surprise. I was doing closing for service when some reaaaaaaaaaaaaally cute angmoh guy asked me if the store was still open. And when I said no, he looked so disappointed and asked me instead where was the nearest 7-11 he could find in Sentosa.

After giving him some directions, I went back in to wash some stuff in the sink and when I looked outside, there he was walking pass the store. And while he was at it, he actually.waved.at.me!!!!!

Best part was: my colleague even thought that he was my boyfriend hahahaha that totally made my day/week :) :)